Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 3 post chemo

Ok, it's payment time for the chemo.  I am back to having daily shots for 4 days in a row, and I am having the muscle/body ache thing from that right now.  And, I'm SO tired right now.  I have been all day.  Of course, I can't entirely blame the chemo- Kaycee woke up way early with a stomach ache, so I didn't get much sleep.  My finger pain is peaking at the moment.  I had planned on doing something fun with the girls tonight, but just decided to rent them a movie and stay in instead.  I had a hard time getting my movie card out of my wallet due to the finger pain and impaired mobility.  I'm taking my enzymes and using all my oils, but I guess it's not working too great at the moment.  My tongue and mouth are developing sores, so eating is not fun, and I've got bad heart burn, which makes swallowing food difficult.  So, I'm not getting off completely chemo free this time.  

Time for some gratitude.  I was told that the chemo would get progressively harder as it went along.  Right now it is supposed to be pretty hard for me.  I've got to say, in spite of how crappy I feel at the moment, it is not getting harder for me.  I remember back to Christmas time when I couldn't get off the couch and I couldn't eat and I was so miserable.  I think things are changing for me, but not necessarily getting harder.  Yeah!

I had grand plans of playing soccer tomorrow, but my muscles feel like they've already played a game.  A friend reminded me that as awesome as it is to be the soccer playing chemo patient, I don't need to be that all the time.  I can also do some self-care and take time to rest.  I just took some ibuprofen, and I'm going to take a hot mineral bath, so hopefully that will help.  Just two more rounds, and I've got LESS than a month to go.  3 months down, 24 days to go!  I feel like I'm in a race and I can see the finish line.

I am SO grateful for the meals that have still been coming my way.  Tonight was one of those nights when I couldn't get off the couch and if not for the meal delivered, the girls would have had cheese and crackers and I probably would have had yogurt for dinner.  I am so amazed and lucky to live in a community of awesome, caring people.

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