Monday, May 11, 2009


10 DOWN, 23 TO GO

Just plain tired today.  Hard to make it through the work day.  Even so, I got in a nice long walk- 35 minutes.  Got home and had a bath and an early dinner.  Wanted to crawl into bed but the blankets were a tangled mess from a restless night's sleep.  Sweet Kaycee volunteered to make it for me and she made it very pretty with lots of pillows.  Said she'd make it for me any time I wanted (this one was free, 25 cents after this- well worth it).  Throbbing, painful breast again tonight.  Got something from my acupuncturist/herbalist to take for it.  We'll see if it helps.  

Very hard to walk into radiation today.  I held my emotions in check for the work day, but was exhausted and crying by the time I pulled into the cancer center.  The darlings weren't there today, just the rapster and a new guy- sweet but looked like a gangster.  Not fun having a rapster and a gangster messing with my breast, I don't care how professional and well trained they are.  I hope the darlings are back tomorrow.  

Another long, busy day at work tomorrow.  Hoping I get some sleep tonight.  Feeling cheated, like I got some of myself back for a small window of time, and now that's slipping away and fatigue is trying to gain a foothold again.

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