Friday, May 29, 2009

23 Down, 10 To Go


So lethargic again today, but then I saw that it was 87 degrees!  The girls are lethargic too- it's hot.  I figured out a quick, cold dinner and we hung out in the hammocks in the shade.  It feels so good to just lay gently rocking and look up at tree leaves.  Had a check up today at the VA clinic and it was strongly recommended that I see my dermatologist to have a "suspicious" mole looked at.  Just what I don't want to think about right now.  Today was my last official day of work for a while.  I was thinking about all my rest time I'll have next week, but then I looked at my planner and I have so many doctor visits scheduled.  Oh well, it will be good to get them over with.  Next week is "boost week", which means I get re-measured and marked for the boost portion of radiation.  This is the last 5 days and it is less radiation in a smaller area.  I don't really understand it, but I remember at the beginning the doc talking about it and I just registered that boost equals almost done.  I'm almost done!!  

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