Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dancing With Myself


Way too tired to write all I have to say. Back to work this week and it's nice to feel normal again, but exhausting. Rocked out to Billy Idol, "Dancing With Myself" last night while F shaved my head. Sweet, impulsive D shaved her head too. More on that later. After the tears on Sunday, I ended up laughing so much last night that I had to cross my legs several times. Never imagined it would be so funny. Got some great pictures. May get brave enough to post them sometime. Wore the wig two days in a row. Drove me crazy with discomfort today. Wore the buff (a cool head scarf thing like what they wear on Survivor) this evening and liked it. F says I have a pretty bald head. Gotta love cool boyfriends like that!

Blood draw tomorrow. Here's to HIGH ENOUGH white blood cells so NO shots this week! They ended up changing the plan from one the day after chemo to one each day for three days after chemo. YIKES!


PodPoet said...

Krista, I am due for another head shaving, so that will happen tonight, in solidarity with you. Like they say "Bald is Beautiful!"

Dandi's Strength said...

You are such a great person. I am glad we could find humor. Anyone else out there. I plan on staying hairless until Krista's hair grows back in. Ya Potpoet.... anyone else??????? Its not a bad as you think.

Dandi's Strength said...

I mean ya podpoet..... sorry about the typeo